1952-2022: 70 Years May Hill Community Project

The May Hill Community is looking to create an exhibition and book project to celebrate the Jubilee - it needs you!!

All contributions welcomed on May 28th from 11-5 … designated Drop Day at May Hill Village Hall!

What can I bring?

Pretty much anything (within reason!) e.g. photographs, anecdotal memories, house histories, house pics, collages, poems, tapestries, artwork ... however you want to present your memories of living on May Hill.
Please print off copies of any photos, extracts from house or May Hill archives etc. if at all possible (there is very limited funds for this ambitious project).

What if it’s not “printable” or I can’t print it?

No worries, please do still bring along any artefacts or original art or craftwork - it will then be photographed, and we would seek your permission to use it in the small exhibition.
If you don’t have a printer, that’s fine too, we will be able to take a photograph of written items or photographs on May 28th.

Surely the project doesn’t need anything from me?!

Oh yes it does! It matters not one little bit whether you have been here 70years or 70 days ... for this to work it needs as many people as possible who live, or have lived, in May Hill to share a little piece of themselves.

I’d love to get more involved with this - do you need any help?

Yes please!

What can I do?

  • Encourage everyone to take part and spread the word!

  • Invite elderly residents to come at 3pm on May 28th to share their reminiscences

    (as well as any physical contributions) for a “Talk to Me” session where we hope

    to record their conversations.

  • Let us know if you can come along on May 28th to help with:

    • itemising and taking photos of the contributions

    • making tea and serving cake (oh yes, there will be cake!)

    • chatting with the older residents to encourage and / or document their


    • help with the clear up

    • collating the contributions for the exhibition, and / or, at a later date, for the


    • help put together the exhibition for June 12th

    • volunteer any additional skills which may be useful to the success of this ...

      basically the more the merrier!

      Is there an alternative to dropping items on May 28th?

      You can also drop at the Village Hall on Friday 20th May or 27th May 2-4.30pm; if that’s no good, get in touch to sort an alternative. You can also email contributions.

Email: events@mayhillvillage.com or speak to WI, Hub or May Hill Society members.


Ingram’s Refill Station


Enamelling Workshops